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Blood Glucose Meter Accuracy

What is the Standard for Determining Blood Glucose Meter Accuracy? The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) determines specifications for various products, including blood glucose meters (BGMs).1 BGMs need to fulfill certain criteria to meet its latest standard of ISO 15197:2013, listed below: For blood glucose levels >100 mg/dL, 95% of data pairs (ie, reference measurement and BGM measurement) must...

Mental Health and Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a complex chronic disease that requires constant self-management and is known to pose psychological and emotional burdens, placing affected individuals at a higher risk of developing diabetes distress, depression, and anxiety, along with other mental disorders.1–3 Nevertheless, with proper diagnosis and early treatment, diabetes-related mental health disorders can be effectively managed.

Sugar Alcohols

Sugar alcohols, also known as polyols (referring to their chemical structures), are hydrogenated mono-, di-, and polysaccharides.1 They are commonly used as natural alternative sweeteners and bulking agents.2,3 Unlike artificial sweeteners (eg, aspartame, sucralose, and saccharin), sugar alcohols provide some caloric value and are naturally present in some fruits and vegetables in small amounts.1,2 They are also commercially produced in...

Skin Care and Diabetes

Skin complications as a result of diabetes (both type 1 and 2) can affect between 30-90% of diabetic patients.1–5 According to one study, the most common skin complications as a result of diabetes were cutaneous infections (by fungus, bacteria, and viruses), xerosis (dry skin), and inflammatory skins diseases (usually causing redness and itchiness).5 Other skin disorders associated with diabetes...

Traveling With Diabetes

Even though chronic medical conditions such as diabetes can affect one’s quality of life and pose challenges to travelling, individuals with diabetes can still participate in activities they enjoy and travel safely with proper management of the illness and safe travel planning.1–3 For those with diabetes who plan on traveling, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides...