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What Is HDL Cholesterol?

What Is Cholesterol? Cholesterol is a wax-like substance that plays a crucial role in the human body.1 It is an integral part of every cellular membrane and is a precursor to various hormones. Cholesterol is naturally lipophilic, meaning it dissolves and is attracted to fats instead of water.2 As such, cholesterol is carried through the bloodstream as...

Counting Calories

What Are Calories?  Calories are a measure of energy, used to measure how much energy a food provides.1–3 One thousand “small” calories (cal) equals a kilocalorie (kcal) which is commonly used in food labels.    How Many Calories Do You Need? The number of calories an individual needs daily differs based on a few factors.4 Typically adult...

How Does Diet Affect Blood Pressure? What to Avoid & What to Eat

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is known to be one of the leading causes of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and death.1,2 Modifiable risk factors such as eating patterns are known to play a significant role in either the prevention or the development of hypertension and CVD.1,2,5 So what foods should you avoid and what foods should you eat?...

The Ketogenic Diet & Cognitive Function

Ketogenic Diet. Alzheimer’s. Insulin Resistance. Brain Function. Although seemingly unrelated on the surface, these terms are intricately connected. Current research highlights how the ketogenic diet may favorably affect cognitive function by improving glucose homeostasis.   What Is the Connection Between Diabetes and Cognitive Function? Neurons in the brain have one of the highest energy demands in the...

What Are Micronutrients?

While carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are considered important macronutrients in our diet, vitamins and minerals are micronutrients that play a significant role in metabolism and overall human health.1 Micronutrients can be consumed in smaller amounts than macronutrients, but are still essential for various biochemical processes in the body.2,3   VITAMINS  Vitamins are organic compounds essential for numerous cellular...