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Managing Diabetes: Low-Calorie Diet

What Is a Low-Calorie Diet? A low-calorie or a hypocaloric diet is a diet designed to lower daily caloric intake.1 A conventional low-calorie diet usually aims for daily caloric intake of 1,500-1,800 kcal/day for males and 1,200-1,500 kcal/day for females, lower than the average daily caloric requirements of 2,600-2,800 kcal/day for males and 2,000-2,200 kcal/day for females.1,2...

Sugar Substitutes and Diabetes

What Are Sugar Substitutes?    Artificial sweeteners are sugar substitutes with little to no calories and much stronger sweetness compared to simple sugar.1 They are also known as non-nutritive sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners can often be found in baked goods, soft drinks, candies, canned foods, and other foods and beverages often labeled as “diet” or “sugar-free”.2 There are...

Tips for Enjoying Holiday Gatherings With Diabetes

Do Holiday Gatherings Actually Affect Weight or Blood Sugar?  End of the year is often filled with food-centered festivities for many people around the world that can impact their diabetes management. Even research studies are showing that changes to dietary patterns during the holidays can greatly affect weight and glycemic control. For instance, one cohort study found...

What Is a Hyperglycemic Crisis?

Hyperglycemic crisis is an acute metabolic complication that can be precipitated when hyperglycemia is left untreated.1,2 There are two types of hyperglycemic crisis: diabetic ketoacidosis (ie, diabetic coma) or hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (ie, severe hyperglycemia without ketoacidosis).3,4 They are life-threatening and require immediate medical attention.   Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) occurs when the body lacks to utilize glucose...

Diabetes and Bone Health

How Does Diabetes Affect Bone Health?   Diabetes and bone health are generally things people don’t associate together. However, numerous studies in the recent decades have revealed that diabetes and bone health are intricately related.1 Both type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) affect bone health through various mechanisms. Studies show that both...