[OPTIMAL FOR DOGS/CATS DIABETES MANAGEMENT] – The VetMate Blood Glucose Meter is perfect for those who want to quickly, easily, and accurately monitor their dogs’ and cats’ blood glucose level for their diabetes.
[CALIBRATED FOR DOGS AND CATS] – The VetMate Blood Glucose Monitoring System is specifically calibrated for Dogs and Cats, providing accurate and precise blood glucose levels.
[READY TO TEST] – The Starter Kit has everything you need to start testing instantly. It includes the VetMate Blood Glucose Testing Meter, 10 Test Strips, 10 Lancets, 1 Lancing Device, 2 Batteries, Control Solution and a Carrying Case.
[THEY DESERVE THE SAME] – Human Glucose Monitors evolve every day. And our Dogs and Cats friends deserve the same technology advantage. VetMate requires No Code Chips, built with negative LCD screen for better reading. It also has STRIP EJECTOR, which strips can be easily and cleanly discarded.
[FOR VETERINARIAN AND FOR YOU] – VetMate Diabetes Testing Kit can used by veterinarians AND by you! With the same meter, you can measure their glucose level with venous blood and capillary blood samples, truly creating no-barriers between you and your vet specialists.